Jer-Z-Boyz Ranch
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Laughter 1631 was purchased with the Paulo-Bro cows.   The opportunity to bring in genetics based from the famed Ahlem Farm Partnership is always a wise investment.

Laughter 1631 is unique with her Maid, Violet and Daffy free pedigree.  We believe the breed is in need of new bloodlines to carry the breed forward so we are continuing to add her to our IVF sessions to expand on her genetics.


1-09 3x 305d 17300 4.7%  813 3.5%  600
2-10 2x 284d 14350 5.1%  734 3.7%  535
3-09 2x 305d 18840 5.3% 1005 3.7% 705
4-10 2x 305d 18350 4.6%  845 3.8%  692
6-03 2x 305d 21430 5.1% 1093 3.8% 805
7-08 2x 305d 19070 5.3% 1011 3.7% 700
Lifetime to date: 129640 5.1% 6596 3.7% 4846

Extended Pedigree:
Dam: Ahlem Action Laughter 34364 EX-91
7-02 3x 301d 18830 5.4% 1019 3.7% 700
Lifetime: 110530 5.3% 5840 3.8% 4193
2nd Dam: Ahlem Finalist Laughter 30357 EX-90
3-10 3x 305d 23950 4.8% 1154 3.4%  816
3rd Dam: Ahlem Country Laughter 15685 D-77
2-10 2x 305d 17200 4.5%  782 3.7%  631
4th Dam: Ahlem MBSB Laughter 6635 {6} VG-82
7-11 3x 305d 23430 5.4% 1264 3.8% 890
Lifetime: 150190 5.3% 8008 3.9% 5786
5th Dam: Ahlem Glenwood Laughter {5} VG-81
3-10 2x 301d 19020 4.9%  932 3.7% 702
6th Dam: Ahlem T Commander Laughter {4} VG-85
7-01 2x 305d 21540 5.4% 1169 4.0% 851
Lifetime:  126950 5.4% 6903 4.1% 5171
7th Dam: Ahlem Tomahawk Laughter {3} VG-80
6-04 2x 299d 17040 5.4%  926 4.1% 703
8th Dam: Ahlem Blacksmith Laughter {2}




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